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Jungle Scout: Lets Find The Best Amazon Product Research Tool

When considering whether to sell goods on Amazon, do you stop to consider “what am I selling?” Then you should read this Jungle Scout review!
There are many Amazon merchants, and there is a solid reason for this. There is a lot of money to be made now! To locate the ideal blend of high demand and low competition products today, all you need is the proper tool.

 Jungle Scout is helpful in this situation.
We’ll go into detail about how we used Jungle Scout to create several six-figure Amazon FBA businesses in this review.

With regard to other Amazon product research tools, Jungle Scout is the gold standard, and for good reason.



  • Product tracker maxes out at 60 day timespan

Jungle Scout has received a lot of attention. Attention as a product research tool and an essential tool for FBA sellers.


Your product should, ideally, have some feature or benefit that sets it apart from the competition. The simplest approach to differentiate yourself from the crowd is to do this.
Being a “me too” product, which is essentially the same thing that everyone else is selling with a different branding, is something you should generally try to avoid.
With this strategy, you frequently have to negotiate price.

Jungle Scout concentrates on information from Amazon. Even though this is crucial knowledge for any Amazon seller, it is not the only thing.
Things like “uniqueness” cannot be determined by a parser like Jungle Scout.

There are two versions of Jungle Scout: a browser extension and a more functional web app that you may access from any browser.
We have, in all honesty, used more Google Chrome extensions over time. mostly because it provides you with immediate access to the data you require when shopping for goods to sell.
But the best part is that both are now available to all Jungle Scout members (they were previously sold individually).

Access to both the Chrome extension and the web app is available with all versions of the tool. Jungle Scout pricing varies between Basic, Suite and Professional plans.
And everyone can buy with a monthly or annual subscription (Annual payments that offer significant discounts):